Chongqing College of Electronic Engineering

Chongqing Collegeof Electronic Engineering (CQCEE) is a full-time higher education institutionthat was founded by the Chongqing Government in 1965. It is administered by theChongqing Municipal Education Commission, and was built by both the ChongqingMunicipal Education Commission and the Chongqing Economy and InformationCommission. In 1999, it became the first higher education college in Chongqing.We have attained “Excellence” in the College Evaluation of Talent Cultivationconducted by the Ministry of Education. Meanwhile, we are part of the "10of Chongqing Famous Higher Education Institutions", one of the 100National Demonstration Vocational Colleges and “National Important vocationaleducation teacher training bases” established by the Ministry of Education. Weare also the Deputy-Chairman of Association of China's Higher VocationalEducation and the Chairman of Chongqing High Education Association.In recentyears, CQCEE has consecutively gained first prizes in the National TeachingAchievements for higher Education which is the first case in whole Chongqingcolleges. Our colleges’ overall strength is listed 1st in Chongqing and top 20in whole country on of the 2015 National College Ranking in China ScienceEvaluation Center. We also ranked 8 in the 200 National DemonstrationVocational Colleges in the national higher vocational colleges’ researchcompetitiveness ranking rated by East China Normal University.

Superior BasicConditions

CQCEE covers anarea of 1365 acres with 1.5 billion in fixed assets, 480,000 sq.m. of teachingfacilities, 200 million RMB of equipment for teaching and research, 20,000full-time students and a 1.27million volume library collection. We have set up14 affiliated colleges which are Applied Electronics College, TelecommunicationEngineering College, Computer College, Software College, Things InternetCollege, Mechatronic College, Automotive Engineering College, Finance andEconomics College, Management College, Media & Arts College, Construction& Material College, Max and General Education College, InternationalCollege, and Training & Further Education College. There are also 11 coursegroups: Electronics Technology, Telecommunication technology, Cloud Computingand Information Security, Software Technology, Things Internet Application,Mechatronics Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Intelligent BuildingTechnology, New Media & Arts, Accounting and Finance, E-Commerce Logistics,and 53majors. We have developed as "trademark" of applied highereducation in Chongqing and have become the selective college in research,investigation, and cooperation.

TremendousTeaching Faculty

We have more than1000 teaching staff working at our school, among them 363 holding Associatesenior or above professional title, 66 of whom are professors (2 are secondgrade professors). There are 61 on-the-job doctorates. There are 2 professorsreceiving special government allowance from the State Council, 5members of higher vocational college teaching steering committee, 1 winner of“National Labor Medal”, 1 winner of “Advanced individual of national vocationaleducation”, 1 winner of “National skills talents cultivation” medal, 1 winnerof “National Female Labor Medal”, 1 winner of “National technical expert” and 1national team coach of automotive engineering in the world techniciancompetition. We put high attention to the cultivation of “Dual-qualified”teachers team. Now there are 590 teachers who have dual-qualifications and 41professional leaders. Besides, we hired 25 industrial experts as ourprofessional leaders. Simultaneously, we give full play to the high-leveltalents. Until now, we have built 1 state-level teaching team, 6 provincialteaching teams and 12 college-level research teams.

RemarkableLocation Advantage

CQCEE is locatedat the foot of Gele Mountain, Shapingba district, a famous tourist scenic spotand is situated in 76 East Road, University Town, Chongqing, which adjoins tomany national and provincial key higher education institution, such asChongqing University, Chongqing Normal University, Sichuan Fine Arts Instituteand Chongqing Medical University. We have realized excellent resources sharingwith other higher education institutes in university town. In the core area ofwest new city Chongqing, our college borders on the Chongqing Xiyong NationalBonded Area and global laptop-manufacturing base--Chongqing Micro-electronicsIndustry Park, Taiwan-owned Information Garden and West Modern Logistics Area.Many national famous enterprises, HP (Hewlett Packard), Inventec, and Quanta,are located in this area and have built multiple relationships with us. We havesolid background for interaction between area and school, advancement ofscience and education, cooperation and development of production and education.

BroadCollaborative Areas

Our Collegeinsists on the principle of open education, cooperative development andceaselessly gathering high-quality education resource. Therefore we haveestablished extensive cooperation in major establishments, teacher education,center co-establishment, skilled migration, overseas practice and cooperativeeducation with education institutions from Australia, Germany, UK, Singaporeand etc. Among those there are: Sino-Australia (Chongqing) ProfessionalEducation Research & Training Center, Sino-Australia Technology (migrantemployment) Vocational Skill Identification Center & Occupational Healthand Safety Research & Training Center, Sino-Germany (Chongqing) TrainingBase for Vocational Education Teacher. Our university has carried out overseaseducation for over 400 teachers and hosted Exchange Cup for Sino-UK Students’Vocational Skill as well as Sino-Uk, Sino-Germany,Sino-Australia Vocational Skill Forum and several international communicationskills. We also have the sino-Australia and sino-Germany jointEducational Programs and cultivated 519 students. In recent years, there aremore than 100 students from the United Kingdom, South Korea and Australia toour college to participate in various cultural exchange activities andvocational skills competitions. Each year there are 13 foreign teachers in ourschool. We also undertook the project of “Sino-German Automotive VocationalEducation” (shortly referred to “SGAVE”) hold by Ministry of Education and havecultivated 262 graduates.

Our College hasCollege-enterprise cooperation mechanism with several famous enterprisesincluding Chongqing Micro Electric Garden, Foxconn Technology Group, Networkand Communication, Changan Automobile Group and more. Besides our College hasalso developed some other cooperative contents such as order training, stafftraining, internship practice as well as technology Research & Development.Among College-Enterprise Cooperation projects there are Chongqing XinanCollege-Enterprise Cooperation Alliance, Chongqing TelecommunicationCollege-Enterprise Cooperation Alliance, co-construction of ZTE InnovativeBase, Huawei Training and Certificate Center, ZTE NC college, Chang’an Trainingand Technology Service Center and more.

DistinctSchool-running Characteristics

Our College hasbeen insisting on the College-running orientation of cultivating high-qualitytalents needed in high technology industry such as advanced manufacturingindustry and modern service industry, placing emphasis on applicationdevelopment and technical service with electronic information ascharacteristic; and moreover established the development target of building onehigh-level applied specialist College of electronic information type; We havestuck to application type and have been rooted in regional industry, thereforeour College has highlighted quality fairness as main line and established 53majors suitable for Chongqing’s pillar industry such aselectronic information and automobile & motorcycle industry with qualityeducation as emphasis in accordance with the industry connection idea ofpromoting advanced manufacturing industry through electronic technique, addingvalue for modern service industry by information-base means, developingnewly-emerging creative industry via digital arts. Scientific College-runningdirection and characteristic development route is the guarantee for thecultivation of talent quality and employment quality. For the past few years,the graduates' employment rate of our College is above 98% and increasinglyimproved. In 2014, we were awarded “Chongqing University EmploymentDemonstrating Center” and “Chongqing University Venture Practice Base”. In2015, we were also honored the title of “Top 50 of Employment for National CollegeGraduates”. Our Co-work Park got approval from Chongqing Municipal governmentand obtained the title of “National Co-work Park” in 2016.


In recent years,the college has been paying a close attention to the Teaching Quality andTeaching Reform Project, and implementing the Demonstration Plan of High-levelPersonnel. We have cultivated excellent teaching and research teams, and gainedfruitful and valuable achievements. We have won 2 first prizes and 1secondprize of National Teaching Achievement Award, 10 prizes of Chongqing TeachingAchievement Award. We own 1 state-level key major and 7 key majors inChongqing. We have established 1 state-level teaching team, 6 excellentteaching teams in Chongqing, 8 state-level excellent courses, 29 Chongqingexcellent courses, 3 state-level training bases and 2 provincial demonstrationtraining base. In recent years, we have 2 projects supported by National SocialScience Foundation, 32 provincial key educational reform projects, 78 provincialtechnical innovation projects and 405 provincial project. We also has nearly500 national patents, 51 national-planned teaching materials. We published 1269research paper including SCI and EI and undertook more than 500 technicalservice projects. Our students won 675 prizes including 569 state-level prizes.In 2016, our student Yang Chengxin won prize in the 11th session of “Chinesecollege students annual figure selection” and was the first person fromvocational college. Our students’ union was selected as the member of presidiumin the 26th All-China Students’ Federation which is the first member fromvocational college.

During a halfcentury’s development, the blueprint has been drawnhand in hand; the College town provides the chance of resurgence, andapplication leads the development. In the heroic and elegant Gele and JinyunMountains with the school motto of“Consciousnessof Ethics, Broadness of Learning, Practicality and Creativity”and the humane spirit of“development and hard-working, erudition and foresight”, the Chongqing College of Electronics Engineeringwill create a gorgeous future with lofty enthusiasm and diligence.

(Statistic byJuly, 2016)

School Address: CHONGQING COLLEGE OF ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING,University City, Chongqing, China

Zip Code:401331 Fax:(023)65927000

Tel:(023)65926592 65926593

International Cooperation Office Tel:(023)65929888 65928199